
I have a dataset that look like the following
year province familysize
2009 BC 2
2009 BC 7
2016 AB 5
2016 SK 4
2011 ON 3
2012 QC 1
2013 PEI 2
2014 NB 1
2015 NL 6
I would like to generate a low-income threshold variable (lico) that is different for every year, province and family size. The thresholds are in a different publication which is not in digital format. I know I can do the following

gen lico = .

replace lico = x if year==2009 & province == "BC" & familysize == 2
where little x is the threshold. The problem is that I have 7 years, 10 provinces and 7 family sizes. To do this by hand is not only time consuming but also error-prone, so I am wondering if there is a smarter/more efficient method (maybe put them in excel file and then generate lico).

Many Thanks!
