I am using asdoc from SSC in Stata 13 and I am trying to configurate a little detail in a column that display category , example:
*ssc install asdoc sysuse auto, clear asdoc, row(category,Variable, Mean) replace levelsof foreign, local(levels) local nombre: value label foreign foreach k of local levels { local vl: label `nombre' `k' foreach v of varlist price mpg trunk { local mylabel : variable label `v' sum `v' if foreign == `k' asdoc, row(`vl' ,`v', `r(mean)') } }
But I would like if its possible get a table like this: Array
I tried with:
foreach k of local levels { local vl: label `nombre' `k' foreach v of varlist price mpg trunk { local mylabel : variable label `v' sum `v' if foreign == `k' asdoc, row(\i ,`v', `r(mean)') } asdoc, text(`vl') }
Thanks in advance
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