I have the following issue. In order to validate my results in a rather low dataset, I wanted to bootstrap an Anova with the independent nominal variable comprising three categories (primorg) and the dependent variable being a continuous variable (valt_op).
To do the bootstrap, I used the following command:
bootstrap f=e(F), reps(10000): anova valt_op primorg
after running this command, however, I get a confidence interval of the F-statistic that contains both negative and positive values. Yet, as far as I know, the F value cannot be negative per definition. So now I am wondering how to interpret the confidence interval. My initial idea was basically to say that if the F-value with a probability of 95% has a value that is above >1, there would be a significant difference in the variance between groups. In turn, if values below 1 are included, this cannot be confirmed. Am I right in this approach? But how do I now interpret negative values?
is there any mistake in my calculation or thoughts?
Thanks in advance for your help!’

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