Dear all,
Hope everyone is having good time in pandemic.
I am having trouble in my marginal effects. So i run
xtlogit PoppyCul i.Direction i.Province EducationYears i.Gender NumHouseholds i.MaritalStat i.Sympathy Income i.corruptionProvin Age AgeSqr i.ImportanceWater i.CorrupPolice i.HealthProj i.EducProj i.AgriReconsProj i.ConditonIrrgWater i.WaterIrrigProj i.WorkStats i.Ethnicity i.metropolitan
where the PoppyCul is the probability to cultivate opium , with three responses. (support, does not support, or dont know)
I am getting Array
and when i wanna get marginal effects at means by
margins, dydx(*)
i get
my concern is ,i am getting the same coefficients for the xtlogit and marginal effects .
how can i solve this issue ?
Thanks in advance
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