Hello everyone,

I'm working on my thesis using Stata 16, I've been using it a bit in the past but I'm not too well versed in stata.

I wanted to duplicate some of my observations using the expand command and added a new variable using the ,generate(newvar) at the end of the command. I did this twice for different variables but some of the newly generated observations have an entry in both new variables and I don't understand why. Could someone offer insight?

Here is my code:

expand 2 if ReceiverRegimeTypeII == "1" | ReceiverRegimeTypeII == "2"| ReceiverRegimeTypeII == "3", generate (obs)
(70 observations created)

. expand 2 if ReceiverRegimeTypeIII == "1" | ReceiverRegimeTypeIII == "2"| ReceiverRegimeTypeIII == "3", generate (obs1)
(62 observations created)

. tab obs obs1

| obs1
obs | 0 1 | Total
0 | 504 32 | 536
1 | 70 30 | 100
Total | 574 62 | 636

So specifically I'm asking why do 30 observations have both 1s in obs and obs1?

Thanks in advance!!