Hello There,
I am currently trying to transpose my regression results (i.e having one model in a row instead of a column) and output it into Latex, adding SE in parentheses and Pvalue in bracket. We're not trying to indicate significant coeff using stars and instead trying to add columns of p values for each coefficient next to the column of S.E.
The trasponse program I am using is:
cap prog drop transpose
prog def transpose
matrix C = r(coefs)
matrix S = r(stats)
eststo clear
local rnames : rownames C
local models : coleq C
local models : list uniq models
local i 0
foreach name of local rnames {
local ++i
local j 0
capture matrix drop b
capture matrix drop se
foreach model of local models {
local ++j
matrix tmp = C[`i', 2*`j'-1]
if tmp[1,1]<. {
matrix colnames tmp = `model'
matrix b = nullmat(b), tmp
matrix tmp[1,1] = C[`i', 2*`j']
matrix se = nullmat(se), tmp
ereturn post b
quietly estadd matrix se
eststo `name'
local snames : rownames S
local i 0
foreach name of local snames {
local ++i
local j 0
capture matrix drop b
foreach model of local models {
local ++j
matrix tmp = S[`i', `j']
matrix colnames tmp = `model'
matrix b = nullmat(b), tmp
ereturn post b
eststo `name'
My regression code is:
est clear
foreach y of global outcomes {
reg `y' msg1 msg2 msg3, r
sum `y' if e(sample) == 1 & msg4==1
local mean = r(mean)
eststo `y': reg `y' msg1 msg2 msg3, r
test msg1= msg2
estadd scalar test1 = r(p)
test msg2= msg3
estadd scalar test2 = r(p)
test msg1= msg3
estadd scalar test3 = r(p)
estadd local empty " "
estadd scalar ymean = `mean'
esttab, cells(b(fmt(%8.3f)) se(par(`" ("' `")"') fmt(%8.3f)) p(fmt(%8.3f) par(`" ["' `"]"'))) nostar ///
stats(test1 test2 test3 ymean N) ///
keep(msg1 msg2 msg3 ) ///
order(msg1 msg2 msg3)
esttab using "$tables/latex/reg_table.tex" ///
, b(%16.3f) se(%16.3f) p(%16.3f) noobs compress nonumb collabels(none) ///
nonotes nogaps replace ${refcatall} wide ///
nostar ///
nomtitles prehead(%) posthead(%) ///
varlabel($labelvars) fragment
When I run this, I receive an error message:
only one allowed of z, se, p, ci, and aux()
I tried to add a matrix for pvalue in the tranpose program but failed to fix the error. I would greatly appreciate if anyone knows how to add columns of "pvalues" in bracket (e.g. [0.001]) next to the column of s.e. for each coefficient! Thank you!
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