Hello all, I am having difficulty of tabulating a variable that shows the highest frequency and the highest value. Below is the best attempt to figure out this issue.

tabsort coph_visits, sort(frequency)

coph_visits | Freq. Percent Cum.
2 | 67 8.84 8.84
1 | 61 8.05 16.89
3 | 59 7.78 24.67
4 | 50 6.60 31.27
5 | 49 6.46 37.73
7 | 47 6.20 43.93
6 | 46 6.07 50.00
8 | 35 4.62 54.62
9 | 34 4.49 59.10
13 | 34 4.49 63.59
12 | 33 4.35 67.94
14 | 29 3.83 71.77
10 | 25 3.30 75.07
16 | 25 3.30 78.36
11 | 22 2.90 81.27
18 | 21 2.77 84.04
15 | 18 2.37 86.41
19 | 15 1.98 88.39
20 | 13 1.72 90.11
17 | 11 1.45 91.56
0 | 9 1.19 92.74
21 | 9 1.19 93.93
22 | 7 0.92 94.85
23 | 7 0.92 95.78
24 | 6 0.79 96.57
25 | 5 0.66 97.23
27 | 4 0.53 97.76
29 | 3 0.40 98.15
26 | 2 0.26 98.42
28 | 2 0.26 98.68
32 | 2 0.26 98.94
34 | 2 0.26 99.21
36 | 2 0.26 99.47
33 | 1 0.13 99.60
35 | 1 0.13 99.74
37 | 1 0.13 99.87
38 | 1 0.13 100.00
Total | 758 100.00

I also utilized this command: gsort -coph_visits . But that would only answer a small part of this issue. Many thanks!