I am using the user-written -nehurdle- command and want to test the results for different groups.

webuse womenwk, clear

replace wage=0 if wage==.

nehurdle wage education children if married, trunc
est store e1

margins, eydx(children) post
est store m1

est restore e1

margins, dydx(children) predict(psel) post
est store p1

nehurdle wage education children if married==0, trunc
est store e2

margins, eydx(children) post
est store m2

est restore e2
margins, dydx(children) post
est store p2
I want to test whether the differences between married and unmarried women are significant. I tried using
suest m1 m2
but I got an error hence could not use
test [m1]children=[m2]children
What might be the alternative? I have also tried using interaction terms, but that didn't seem to work either .