
I was wondering if anyone could help me out a bit on the parmest command.
I am using STATA 15 and when I use the code below

forvalues s = 1/2 {
  est use "$dt\RegModel"
  nlcom exp((DD0_30_S`s'-DD0_30_S0)*_b[DD0_30]+(DD30_45_S`s'-DD30_45_S0)*_b[DD30_45]+(DD45_inf_S`s'-DD45_inf_S0)*_b[DD45_inf]) - 1, post
  parmest, format(estimate min95 max95 %10.0g p %8.le) saving ("$dt\WarmImpactS`s'.dta", replace)
I get the following error:
this is version 15.1 of Stata; it cannot run version 16.0 programs
You can purchase the latest version of Stata by visiting http://www.stata.com.
Could you please help me find a way to run this code on STATA15?