I am having a problem with correctly graphing output of an interrupted time series conducted using -melogit- with random intercept, and I would greatly appreciate some guidance. I’ve tried what feels like hundreds of configurations, and yet I just can't quite get it right.
This analysis is run on Stata v 15.1 in Windows 10 and is an evaluation of the association between a reimbursement change and utilization. Patients are clustered by hospital. There is a 4 month lead-in period before the payment change, during which patients were excluded.
Problems: When I try to plot both fixed and posterior means for the random effects (which is what I actually want to show), the pre-period lines for my predicted and counterfactual estimates do not overlap AND the y-intercept of the plots fall well outside the range of the unadjusted data.
Note that when I plot only fixed effects--as a benchmark for troubleshooting the graph, but not as my main desired output--my counterfactual and predicted plots in the pre-period lie on top of one another, as I would expect, but the plot still falls well below the unadjusted data.
My questions are:
1. What is Stata actually doing with this code?
2. What (and how) should I be asking it to plot the predicted values and counterfactuals correctly?
3. Is there a data characteristic (rather than operator naivete), that would explain why data would behave this way?
Elapsed_month is the time variable, 0 to 40, and represents the slope of the pre-period
Policy is the intervention, 0 or 1, and represents the level shift at the time the intervention was implemented
Policy#elapsed_month represents the change in the slope between the pre-period and the post period
Cohort4num is the binary dependent variable representing utilization of the treatment as 0,1
See code and resulting graphic below.
The -melogit- model and excerpt of the output:
melogit cohort4num c.elapsed_month i.policy c.elapsed_month#i.policy cr_onsite `patient'
`hospital' `market' `season', || new_hosp_num:, vce(robust)
Below is one way I've tried to graph the index functions:
******************************************************************************** ***USING AVERAGES OF ALL COVARIATES*** *saves original covariate values, calculates mean, an puts that in the covariate field for each x foreach x of varlist cr_onsite `patient' `hospital' `market' `season' { gen `x'_save=`x' egen `x'_mean=mean(`x') replace `x'=`x'_mean } predict average_pred7, mu ******************************************************************************* **ESTIMATE RANDOM EFFECTS MEANS FOR COVARIATE MEANS predict r7e, reffects egen r7e_mean=mean(r7e) summ r7e ***save so you can use the actual variable later ****/ gen elapsed_month_save=elapsed_month ******************************************************************************* ****ESTIMATE INDEX FUNCTIONS WITHOUT POSTERIOR MEANS RANDOM EFFECTS forval t=0/40 { replace elapsed_month = `t' predict xb7_`t', xb } gen mu7_xb =1 / (1+exp(-1*(xb7_1))) if elapsed_month_save == 0 ****mu7_xb is the predicted probability at the mean of covariates at time=0 ****However, we need to compute at each value of time: forval t=0/40 { replace mu7_xb =1 /(1+exp(-1*(xb7_`t'))) if elapsed_month_save==`t' } *Here mu7_xb is the predicted probability for each time period based on x_mean*b^hat. ******************************************************************************** ***TO INCLUDE RANDOM EFFECTS MEANS ***Recalculate mu7_xb with the re: gen mu7_xb_re=1 /(1+exp(-1*(xb7_1+ r7e_mean))) if elapsed_month_save==0 **** mu7_xb _re is the predicted probability at the mean of covariates and mean of random effects at time=0 ****Recompute at each value of time: forvalues t=0/40{ replace mu7_xb_re =1 /(1+exp(-1*(xb7_`t'+ r7e_mean ))) if elapsed_month_save==`t' }
Next, is the same approach used to predict the counterfactual:
*********************** ****COUNTERFACTUAL***** *reset elapsed_month back to original foreach x in elapsed_month { replace `x'=`x'_save drop elapsed_month_save } ******************************************************************************** *calculate counterfactual without effect of policy or policyXtime foreach x in policy elapsed_month { gen `x'_save=`x' replace `x'=0 } predict average_pred8, mu ******************************************************************************* ** PREDICT RANDOM EFFECTS MEANS [FOR COUNTERFACTUAL] predict r8e, reffects egen r8e_mean=mean(r8e) ********************************************************************************* ****PREDICT INDEX FUNCTIONS WITHOUT POSTERIOR MEANS RANDOM EFFECTS forval t=0/40 { replace elapsed_month = `t' predict xb8_`t', xb } ***The above is the index function without the random effects. gen mu8_xb =1 / (1+exp(-1*(xb8_1))) if elapsed_month_save==0 ****mu8 is the predicted probability [OF THE COUNTERFACTUAL] at the mean of covariates at time=0 ****However, you need to compute at each value of time: forval t=0/40 { replace mu8_xb =1 /(1+exp(-1*(xb8_`t'))) if elapsed_month_save==`t' } *Here mu8_xb is the predicted probability [FOR THE COUNTERFACTUAL] for each time period based on x_mean*b^hat. ******************************************************************************* ***TO INCLUDE RANDOM EFFECTS MEANS [FOR THE COUNTERFACTUAL] ***Recalculate mu8_xb with the re: gen mu8_xb_re=1 /(1+exp(-1*(xb8_1+ r8e_mean))) if elapsed_month_save==0 **** mu8_xb _re is the predicted probability [OF THE COUNTERFACTUAL] at the mean of covariates and mean of random effects at time=0 ****Recompute at each value of time: forvalues t=0/40{ replace mu8_xb_re =1 /(1+exp(-1*(xb8_`t'+ r8e_mean ))) if elapsed_month_save==`t' }
Thank you for any advice you can provide!!
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