
My panel data is short (N>T) and I would like to regress 4 time invariant IV on 1 time variant DV. From xtcdf, there is no cross section correlation. From xtserial, there is no autocorrelation. From xttest3, there is heteroskedascity. However, xttest3 only applies for fixed effects, which cannot handle time invariant IV. So I would appreciate some guidance on choosing the correct model and then testing it for heterskedscity, autocorrelation (and dealing with outliers at a later point)

Background: each participant looked at an image 6 times and their gaze time was measured (t=6, n=63), thus they each have 6 different gaze time measurements. They also took a survey capturing 4 attitudes metrics which do not change over time and are thus time-invariant. I would like to regress the 4 time-invariant attitude variables on their time-variant gaze time.

Thanks for any and all guidance