Dear All, I hope everyone is fine and safe.

I have data for about 120 countries for Five-Time periods (2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, and 2018).

Dependent Variable - LnFR

I am confused about which panel gmm method should I use for this data??

Is it gmm, xtabond, xtabond2, xtdpd?

I want to use simple gmm command with instruments as a lagged variable.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(LnFR LnIMR LnFLPR lnEdn)
2.0630686 4.3614283  2.811403 3.0913036
1.9971112 4.2537384  2.778017  3.622883
1.9121385  4.141061 2.7954745 3.9696486
1.8187288 4.0278573  2.930428  3.981618
  1.74325  3.922278  3.078821 3.9991734

Please help me with these issues,

Thanks in advance.