Hi, I'm new to the forum but had a question I can't seem to figure out. I am using a PSM regression and want to find out the # of observations in the treatment and control group that Stata uses when it implements the command. The command below gives me the overall sample, but how many are in treatment and (WIE=1) or in the control group (WIE=0).

Ricardo Godoy

teffects psmatch (V193_nlrc) (WIE YearsOfEducation FatherYearsOfEducation BirthOrder Ag
> e i.Region_n Survey_year_q) if (WIE == 1 & Survey_n == 2) | (WIE == 0), atet nn(2) calip
> er(0.2) vce(iid) g(stub)

Treatment-effects estimation Number of obs = 46,919
Estimator : propensity-score matching Matches: requested = 2
Outcome model : matching min = 2
Treatment model: logit max = 3
V193_nlrc | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
(1=Only participated .. |
vs |
0=Didn't participate..) | .0379878 .0127106 2.99 0.003 .0130754 .0629002