Dear Statalist,

I want to store the results from the user written stata command "fuzzydid" (available via ssc).

However after running the command and trying to store them, I get an error message stating 'last estimation results not found, nothing to restore'.

Here is my code:

fuzzydid  Y G T D, did
(running estim_wrapper on estimation sample)

Bootstrap replications (50)
----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
..................................................    50

No method was specified to estimate E(Y|X), E(D|X) and P(D=d|X). Method set to default: ols.

Estimator(s) of the local average treatment effect with bootstrapped standard errors. Number of
observations:  16200 .

             |      LATE    Std_Err          t    p_value   lower_ic   upper_ic
       W_DID |  .1503901   .3717596   .4045358   .6858187  -.5271261   .8415557

estimates store fuzzy_results
last estimation results not found, nothing to store
There are results stored in the ereturn list though:
. ereturn    list

    e(N)    =    16200

    e(ci_LATE)    :    1 x 2
    e(se_LATE)    :    1 x 1
    e(b_LATE)    :    1 x 1
I am wondering where the errors is.

Help would be much appreciated.
