I am trying to estimate the intra-class correlation of measures performed by several judges. I assume that such judges are a random effect covariate. My measures are recorded in the "rating" variable, and the target expected is recorded in the "target"
My first idea is to use the "icc" command. My second to perform a mixed model, and to use the "estat icc" post-estimation command. These two different commands give quite different results, I am not sure to understand why?
webuse judges icc rating target judge <results> -------------------------------------------------------------- rating | ICC [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------------+-------------------------------------- Individual | .2897638 .0187865 .7610844 Average | .6200505 .0711368 .927232 -------------------------------------------------------------- mixed rating i.target || judge: estat icc <results> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level | ICC Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------------------+------------------------------------------------ judge | .8372506 .1089676 .5176289 .9610324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I may do a big mistake somewhere, but I am not sure to understand where... Thanks so much for your help!
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