Dear all,

I am plotting three kdensity graphs in one graph. The variable "x" is for all the same (a log-transformed IRR). The conditions are different for the three graphs. I am using the code:
kdensity x if bothbritish ==1, addplot (kdensity x if (managerAggEthniciy== "white_anglo" & ceoAggEthniciy!= "white_anglo") | (ceoAggEthnici == "white_anglo" & managerAggEthniciy!= "white_anglo")|| kdensity x if (managerAggEthniciy!= "white_anglo" & ceoAggEthniciy!= "white_anglo")) legend (ring(0) pos (2) label (1 "bothbritish") label (2 "onebritish") label (3 "notbritish"))
I do get the three graphs plotted in one, however, the density on the vertical axis exceeds 1. This can not be the case as to my understanding density within a graph = 1 (roughly speaking and not expressed in a scientifically correct way). Can someone help with interpreting this?

Mar Array