Attempting to export two-way cross-tabulations using tab2xl - having issues in exporting it in the format I need it to be.*
I am pasting my do-file here using a common data set.
***data for question
webuse auto
codebook foreign
tab mpg
sum mpg
**generating mpg_categories for example
generate mpg_categories=.
replace mpg_categories=1 if mpg>22
replace mpg_categories=2 if mpg<=22
label define lab_mpg_cat 1 "Mileage>22" 2 "Mileage<=22"
label values mpg_categories lab_mpg_cat
codebook mpg_categories
******General problem
I have Stata 16.1, I am trying to output cross-tabs into excel sheets in a format which is convenient for direct upload on Tableau for visualisation, using the auto dataset as an example because I cannot use organisational data*/
***I am trying to produce an excel sheet for the tabulate command
tab mpg_categories
***I am using the following to output data to an excel file for one way tables and this is working fine (output 1)
tab2xl mpg_categories using problem_1, row(1) col(1) sheet("sheet 1")
******Specific problem
/*I am also trying to export this exact output (output 2) to an excel file using tab2xl.
I have been trying for sometime, but I am unable to export the output. I am trying to do this for a lot of variables, so the idea is to loop through the variables and export output 1 and output 2 to excel sheets and then upload them directly to tableau.*/
**output 2
tab foreign mpg_categories, column nofreq
**this is as far as I got
tab2xl foreign mpg_categories using problem_1, row(1) col(1) sheet("sheet 2")
**as you can see, I am not getting the percentages, if anyone has any ideas please let me know!
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