// NJC 1.0.0 17 November 2006 // matrix row_or_column rename program matrcrename version 8 // syntax matrixname row_or_col which_row_or_col new_name // matrix name gettoken matrix 0 : 0 confirm matrix `matrix' // row or column gettoken which 0 : 0 local length = length("`which'") if lower("`which'") == substr("row",1,`length') { local which row } else if lower("`which'") == substr("column",1,`length') { local which col } else { di as err "second argument should specify row or column" exit 198 } // which row or column gettoken where newname : 0 if "`which'" == "row" { capture local found = inrange(`where', 1, rowsof(`matrix')) if _rc { di as err "inappropriate row number?" exit 498 } if !`found' { di as err "row out of range" exit 498 } } else { capture local found = inrange(`where', 1, colsof(`matrix')) if _rc { di as err "inappropriate column number?" exit 498 } if !`found' { di as err "column out of range" exit 498 } } // test newname tempname moo matrix `moo' = J(1,1,1) capture matrix rownames `moo' = `newname' if _rc { local what = cond("`which'" == "col", "column", "row") di as err "inappropriate `what' name?" exit 498 } // in business! local names : `which'names `matrix' tokenize `names' local `where' `newname' local newnames "`*'" matrix `which'names `matrix' = `newnames' end
If not, my suggestion (to Nick) is to make matrcrename available to the Stata user community by publishing it on the ssc server.
Although I have not tested it 'deep', it actually works as it should (I am using Stata 16.1, Rev. 20200331).
Many thanks in advance.
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