Dear Statalists,
I tried to calculate the marginal effect of firthlogit. I use "margins , expression(invlogit(predict(xb)))" following advice from #4 of this thread
HTML Code:
(maybe I understood it wrong.)

Among the independent variables, soe fie tradecom are binary, others are continuous. But when I tried to calculate the marginal effect. An error occurred and said: factor variables may not contain noninteger values. However, limpint is continous.
Does it mean that this way of calculation only suits factor variables? How can I calculate the marginal effect for all variables?
Below is the code and error. Any comments would be appreciated.
Many thanks,

 firthlogit odistarter     limpint soe fie tradecom process_share lexpint   
  initial:       penalized log likelihood = -49394.935
  rescale:       penalized log likelihood = -49394.935
  Iteration 0:   penalized log likelihood = -49394.935  
  Iteration 1:   penalized log likelihood = -47937.173  
  Iteration 2:   penalized log likelihood = -47677.303  
  Iteration 3:   penalized log likelihood = -47676.333  
  Iteration 4:   penalized log likelihood = -47676.333  
                                                  Number of obs     =  2,188,615
                                                  Wald chi2(6)      =    3255.91
  Penalized log likelihood = -47676.333           Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
    odistarter |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
       limpint |   5.879801   .1970857    29.83   0.000      5.49352    6.266082
           soe |   .1002127   .0401549     2.50   0.013     .0215107    .1789148
           fie |  -1.241626   .0339263   -36.60   0.000    -1.308121   -1.175132
      tradecom |   -.560522   .0309983   -18.08   0.000    -.6212775   -.4997664
  process_sh~e |  -.2379967   .0389793    -6.11   0.000    -.3143946   -.1615987
       lexpint |   6.334411   .2019787    31.36   0.000      5.93854    6.730282
         _cons |  -6.197648    .027174  -228.07   0.000    -6.250908   -6.144388
  . margins limpint soe fie tradecom process_share lexpint, expression(invlogit(
  > predict(xb)))
  limpint:  factor variables may not contain noninteger values