Hi there,

I have recently used a very simple comand to generate a new variable.

gen MFN_zero = ImportValue if AVDutyRate2==0
gen MFN_non_zero= ImportValue if AVDutyRate2!=0

Here is an excerpt from the data and the new variable generated. As you can see is that the value of the old variable and the new variable are not the same.
I have a big panel and it works fine for most year-country-partner combinations.

I will use a more specific code from now on but just wanted to flag is here since I was suprised to see this outcome.

Best wishes,
Year ReporterCode Reporter PartnerCode Partner HSCode AVDutyRate2 ImportValue MFN_zero MFN_non_zero
2011 840 United States of America 24 Angola 27090020 10708064000 10708064256
2017 840 United States of America 24 Angola 27090020 0 1928211000 1928210944