Dear statalist users,
Since yesterday, my dataset has changed wired. I have been doing lots of regression models during the past week, and has saved the dataset everyday with a different name in my secured dropbox folder. Yesterday, I noticed that the latest dataset has 2 samples less than my original dataset, and added extra samples (without data or wired data). IN addition, meanscores (variables that I created) for some samples have converted to 149e-99 something like this. It should be between 1 and 5, a continuous variable.

I also opened the original dataset which I have not been edited since May 2021, and noticed that the data for one of the samples has totally eliminated, or converted to 0.

I have not done this myself, and I don't know what has happened. If I cannot use these datasets now, I would need to request the original dataset and re-create all the variables that I have created - which took me 5 months.

I wonder if this is because I was using STATA 14.6 version IC and I may have exceeded the number of variables that the software allows me to create? I just ordered student upgrade for STATA BE version. BUt I don't know if this would fix the damaged dataset.

Please could anyone help me if you have experienced a similar problem before?
Thanks. Have a nice day.