I need to create a scatterplot with markers differing optically. One spot should present one industry, to make it look like this:
My current code is:
twoway (scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==1, msymbol(Oh)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==2, msymbol(S)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==3, msymbol(O)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==4, msymbol(d)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==5, msymbol(th)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==6, msymbol(sh)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==7, msymbol(s)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==8, msymbol(o)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==9, msymbol(x)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==10,msymbol(+)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==11,msymbol(T)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==12,msymbol(t)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==13,msymbol(Oh)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==14,msymbol(D)) ///
(scatter local_input_za local_sales_za if F1za_SectorGroup==15,msymbol(S)), ///
legend(label(1 Agriculture)label(2 Mining and quarrying) label(3 Manufacturing,low-tech) ///
label(4 Manufacturing,medium-tech) label(5 Manufacturing,high-tech) label(6 Electricity) ///
label(7 Construction) label(8 Trade) label(9 Retail trade) label(10 Hotels and Rest) ///
label(11 Transport) label(12 Post and Telecommunication) label(13 Finanicial institutions) ///
label(14 Real estate and IT) label(15 Public admin))
I think this amount of work maybe unnecessary, I thought about using a loop, but how do I make sure that every industry has an own marker?
(Doesn't need to be a specific one, just so that industries can be optically differentiated)
Thanks a lot!
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