Dear StataList

I am new to programming in Stata. I want to write a programme to count the frequency of all different possible values of a variable, and then use the results from that for further computations.

I am stuck at the first step

I have written a loop that takes on each possible value of variable in question (0-77) and counts the number of occurrences for each value:

. forvalues i = 0(1)77 {
2. count if ev_total==`i'
3. local countEV = r(N)
4. display " `i' " "$countEV" , _continue
5. }

The output I get is as follows:

0 0 71
1 0 82
2 0 102
3 0 114
4 0 94
Can anyone explain how to get the output to be formatted as follows:

0 130
1 71

Tabulate gives me :

ev_total | Freq. Percent Cum.
0 | 130 3.43 3.43
1 | 71 1.88 5.31
2 | 82 2.17 7.47
3 | 102 2.69 10.17

Finally if I can get those values to be correctly displayed how can I write those data to a new datafile?

With thanks in advance
