I'm currently trying to combine several graphs into one and want all of these single graphs to have the same Y-scale/label (say from +2 to -20).
tw (rarea up95bbci lo95bbci h, bcolor(gs12) clw(medthin medthin)), yscale(range(-20 0)),(rarea up68bbci lo68bbci h, bcolor(gs10) clw(medthin medthin))(scatter bbci h,c(l l l) clp(l - .) ms(o i i) clc(blue red green) mc(blue red green) clw(medthick))if h<=`hor' , title("Deutschland BCI", size(medsmall)) legend(off) xtitle("months") scale(0.9)
The resulting graph looks like this
Preferably I would like the Y-axis to go from +2 to -10 in steps of 1, but despite trying around for some time using different commands I have not gotten it to work.
I would be thankful for any help.
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