Hello guys, I'll try to keep this as short as possible, thanks for any advice in advance.

I'm currently trying to combine several graphs into one and want all of these single graphs to have the same Y-scale/label (say from +2 to -20).

tw (rarea up95bbci lo95bbci h, bcolor(gs12) clw(medthin medthin)), yscale(range(-20 0)),(rarea up68bbci lo68bbci h, bcolor(gs10) clw(medthin medthin))(scatter bbci h,c(l l l) clp(l - .) ms(o i i) clc(blue red green) mc(blue red green) clw(medthick))if h<=`hor' , title("Deutschland BCI", size(medsmall)) legend(off) xtitle("months") scale(0.9)
Here is the code I use as an example.

The resulting graph looks like this

Preferably I would like the Y-axis to go from +2 to -10 in steps of 1, but despite trying around for some time using different commands I have not gotten it to work.

I would be thankful for any help.