Hoping someone can help me understand an issue with using test after margins, post.

I run the following regression, with the ultimate aim of knowing whether the effect of OM varies meaningfully with the value of IPcont.

. regress Opp $controls ib0.csDum c.IPcont  OM BM Sol  c.IPcont#c.OM, robust

                           |               Robust
                       Opp |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                   depAsym |  -.0121849   .0275436    -0.44   0.659    -.0667485    .0423786
                    volUnc |   .0653512   .0494453     1.32   0.189    -.0325996     .163302
                    tecUnc |  -.1130619   .0964371    -1.17   0.243    -.3041031    .0779794
                   perfAmb |   .2317594   .0863513     2.68   0.008     .0606981    .4028206
                     prior |   .0173488   .0850643     0.20   0.839     -.151163    .1858605
                 localSupp |    .163849   .1866408     0.88   0.382     -.205885    .5335829
                 noExtSupp |   .0056782   .0084204     0.67   0.501    -.0110026    .0223591
              emplMARKUSln |   .1257304   .0781502     1.61   0.110    -.0290846    .2805454
                       INP |
                  Input 1  |  -.0157771    .334995    -0.05   0.963    -.6793996    .6478455
                  Input 3  |  -.1744805   .3404611    -0.51   0.609    -.8489313    .4999703
          contractSpecMean |   .0300773   .0590932     0.51   0.612    -.0869859    .1471404
                     csDum |
Concurrent sourcing dummy  |   .2245481   .2263385     0.99   0.323    -.2238266    .6729229
                    IPcont |   .0237525   .0134547     1.77   0.080    -.0029012    .0504062
                        OM |   .1582368   .0675551     2.34   0.021     .0244106    .2920629
                        BM |  -.0370055   .0642838    -0.58   0.566    -.1643513    .0903403
                       Sol |  -.4137848   .0793497    -5.21   0.000     -.570976   -.2565937
             c.IPcont#c.OM |  -.0047667   .0020494    -2.33   0.022    -.0088266   -.0007067
                     _cons |   1.929306   .9005282     2.14   0.034     .1453665    3.713246
Following the directions in the entry for margins, I run this margins command including the post option.

. margins, dydx(OM) at(IPcont=(0 17.5 37.5 62.5 82.5)) post

Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()
dy/dx w.r.t. : OM

1._at        : IPcont          =           0
2._at        : IPcont          =        17.5
3._at        : IPcont          =        37.5
4._at        : IPcont          =        62.5
5._at        : IPcont          =        82.5

             |            Delta-method
             |      dy/dx   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
OM           |
         _at |
          1  |   .1582368   .0675551     2.34   0.021     .0244106    .2920629
          2  |   .0748203   .0623266     1.20   0.232    -.0486482    .1982887
          3  |  -.0205129   .0791117    -0.26   0.796    -.1772326    .1362069
          4  |  -.1396793   .1181164    -1.18   0.239     -.373667    .0943084
          5  |  -.2350124   .1545508    -1.52   0.131    -.5411763    .0711514
I've checked that the values for dy/dx are what manual calculation of 0.15 + IPcont * _b[c.IPcont#c.OM] gives. Based on the strongly overlapping 95% CI, I wouldn't expect the difference between IPcont = 0 and IPcont = 17.5 to be significant. However, the difference between IPcont = 0 and IPcont = 82.5 might be.

I use margins, coefl to get the names of the coefficient and then do the tests corresponding to the above.

. margins, coefl

Average marginal effects                        Number of obs     =        132
Model VCE    : Robust

Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()
dy/dx w.r.t. : OM

1._at        : IPcont          =           0

2._at        : IPcont          =        17.5

3._at        : IPcont          =        37.5

4._at        : IPcont          =        62.5

5._at        : IPcont          =        82.5

             |      dy/dx  Legend
OM           |
         _at |
          1  |   .1582368  _b[OM:1bn._at]
          2  |   .0748203  _b[OM:2._at]
          3  |  -.0205129  _b[OM:3._at]
          4  |  -.1396793  _b[OM:4._at]
          5  |  -.2350124  _b[OM:5._at]

. test _b[OM:1bn._at] = _b[OM:2._at]

 ( 1)  [OM]1bn._at - [OM]2._at = 0

       F(  1,   114) =    5.41
            Prob > F =    0.0218

. test _b[OM:1bn._at] = _b[OM:5._at]

 ( 1)  [OM]1bn._at - [OM]5._at = 0

       F(  1,   114) =    5.41
            Prob > F =    0.0218
Two very odd things result. First, I don't believe that [OM]1bn._at and [OM]2._at = 0 differ at the 0.0218 level. Second, I get exactly the same values when testing for the difference [OM]1bn._at - [OM]5._at = 0. That should NOT be the case if I've tested what I think I've tested.

So, I'm baffled and concerned that I'm not testing what I intend. Can anyone help me properly test whether the marginal effect of OM differs when IPcont=0 versus when IPcont=82.5?

Thank you.