for my thesis, I want to perform a Poisson IV with fixed effects on a panel data set (See dataex code in the next comment for excerpt. Whole dataset comprises 4,410 obs., N=105 counties, T=42, dependent variable =count, endogenous variable= continuous). As the command ivpoisson is invalid with fixed effect dummies, I wanted to apply a control function approach. Hereby, I include a prediction of the first stage residual into the second stage and add fixed effects dummies manually.
My code for the first stage is:
reg licenses_per1000 instrument percent_unemp income_1000 divorcerate percent_male percent_white percent_age1 percent_age2 urban_rural i.countycode i.year i.countycode##c.year [pweight= population], vce(cluster countycode )
predict uhat, residuals
poisson suicides licenses_per1000 uhat percent_unemp income_1000 divorcerate percent_male percent_white percent_age1 percent_age2 urban_rural i.countycode i.year i.countycode##c.year [pweight= population ], vce(cluster population )
Does this imply that my contol function approach is wrong? I can't see any failure in the construction.
I am grateful for any advice.
Kind regards
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