
I am trying to force two variables to show up at the very end of my regression table. My issue is that even after I set the order in estab, the interaction coefficients end up at the very bottom of the table. Is there a way to force variables to appear even below the interaction term?

I am using Stata 15.1

Here is my code:
poisson summons_dummy c.moderate_inflation_m_y##i.abe2 c.moderate_deflation_m_y##i.abe2 gdp_lag1 unemprate effective_exch_rate trade call_rate_fred vote_infavor_cont hoc_election_35 hor_election_35 ldp_upper_d ldp_lower_d diet_insession weekend_dummy

est store p6

esttab p6, order(moderate_deflation_m_y moderate_inflation_m_y gdp_lag1 unemprate effective_exch_rate trade call_rate_fred vote_infavor_cont hoc_election_35 hor_election_35 ldp_upper_d ldp_lower_d diet_insession weekend_dummy), using "/Data/Stata/Tables/poisson_table_1", nobaselevels starlevels( † 0.10 * 0.05 ** 0.010 *** 0.001) se aic bic nonumber mtitle("Model 1") label varwidth(60) replace

I would like "diet_insession" and "weekend_dummy" to show up at the bottom of the regression table.

Any help would be appreciated!
