We are trying to generate the residuals after running an oprobit regression. Our dataset consists of 202 towns and our dependent variable is the number of tire dealers, which can be 0,1,2,3,4 or 5.
The regression we are running is the following:
oprobit N_tire ln_Sm eld pinc lnhdd ffrac landv, robust

Where N_tire is the number of tire dealers. ln_Sm is the logarithm of the market size. eld is the fraction of old people in the population. pinc is the per capita income. lnhdd is the logarithm of heating degree days. ffrac is the fraction of land in farms and landv is the value per acre of land.

The output of the regression is:
Ordered probit regression
N_tire Coef. St.Err. t-value p-value [95% Conf Interval] Sig
ln_Sm 1.271 0.122 10.44 0.000 1.033 1.510 ***
eld -2.957 1.823 -1.62 0.105 -6.530 0.617
pinc 0.049 0.076 0.64 0.524 -0.101 0.198
lnhdd 0.041 0.202 0.20 0.840 -0.355 0.437
ffrac 0.089 0.261 0.34 0.733 -0.422 0.600
landv -0.129 0.470 -0.28 0.783 -1.051 0.792
cut1 0.259 1.854 .b .b -3.374 3.893
cut2 1.142 1.873 .b .b -2.530 4.814
cut3 1.957 1.880 .b .b -1.728 5.641
cut4 2.535 1.879 .b .b -1.147 6.217
cut5 2.938 1.875 .b .b -0.737 6.613
Mean dependent var 2.233 SD dependent var 1.815
Pseudo r-squared 0.255 Number of obs 202.000
Chi-square 143.725 Prob > chi2 0.000
Akaike crit. (AIC) 541.263 Bayesian crit. (BIC) 577.654
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
To generate the residuals of this regression we use the following command right after this regression:
predict uhat, resid

However, if we do this, we get an error message saying option resid not allowed r(198);

We need to get the residuals of this regression in order to be able to get the standard deviation of the error term. We don't know how to fix this error. Please let us know if you know what we are doing wrong. Thank you very much.