Hi ,

I am working on quarterly Labor Force Survey from 2008 to 2010 .
I would like to create a table for summary statistics for 4 subpopulation of my data ( Male before, Male After , Female before and Female After ) where After is the variable Post.
My dataset is already svyset , but the estpost tabstat doesn't seem to support svy , only the tabulate but not tabstat.

I use Stata 16 and the estout package.

The code I used is below ;

* generate the column identifiers by flag
gen flag=1 if sex==1 & post==0
replace flag=2 if sex==1 & post==1
replace flag=3 if sex==0 & post==0
replace flag=4 if sex==0 & post==1
estpost tabstat age mar_st reg* edu2 edu3 edu4 edu6 edu8 lfs unemployed [aw=int_wt], by(flag) statistics(mean sd N) columns(statistics) nototal
esttab using table1.rtf, replace main(mean) aux(sd) unstack nomtitle nonumber label nogaps title("Discriptive statistics for sample ")

Discriptive statistics for sample
1 2 3 4
age 27.10 26.42 27.53 26.72
(19.26) (19.21) (19.02) (19.02)
Marital status 2.049 2.048 2.423 2.381
(0.986) (0.984) (1.403) (1.409)
region 4.142 4.155 4.127 4.137
(1.813) (1.809) (1.812) (1.803)
region==Greater Cairo 0.157 0.155 0.159 0.156
(0.364) (0.362) (0.365) (0.363)
region==Alex & Suez Canal 0.0769 0.0770 0.0774 0.0773
(0.266) (0.267) (0.267) (0.267)
region==Urban Upper Egypt 0.0996 0.0964 0.102 0.0998
(0.299) (0.295) (0.302) (0.300)
region==Urban Lower Egypt 0.0873 0.0910 0.0873 0.0910
(0.282) (0.288) (0.282) (0.288)
region==Rural Upper Egypt 0.309 0.307 0.307 0.308
(0.462) (0.461) (0.461) (0.462)
region==Rural Lower Egypt 0.250 0.255 0.252 0.252
(0.433) (0.436) (0.434) (0.434)
region==Frontier 0.0194 0.0186 0.0162 0.0156
(0.138) (0.135) (0.126) (0.124)
educ_st==Illitrate 0.161 0.149 0.292 0.267
(0.367) (0.356) (0.455) (0.442)
educ_st==Read and Write 0.139 0.134 0.105 0.0982
(0.346) (0.341) (0.307) (0.298)
educ_st==Primary or Prep 0.172 0.172 0.144 0.148
(0.377) (0.378) (0.351) (0.355)
educ_st==Technical/Vocational Diploma 0.172 0.174 0.139 0.148
(0.377) (0.379) (0.346) (0.355)
educ_st==College Degree 0.0846 0.0880 0.0638 0.0718
(0.278) (0.283) (0.244) (0.258)
Labor Force 0.729 0.752 0.227 0.228
(0.445) (0.432) (0.419) (0.419)
All Unemployed 0.0421 0.0383 0.0521 0.0559
(0.201) (0.192) (0.222) (0.230)
Observations 1008611
mean coefficients; sd in parentheses
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

My problem is that the above gives different results than using the code below, how can I incorporate the svy settings in the above code to get descriptive statistics with same results.

svy, subpop (if sex==1 & post==0): mean age lfs unemployed reg* ( for any of the 4 subpopulations above ) , I get different results .

The following
Survey: Mean estimation
Number of strata = 154 Number of obs = 852,739
Number of PSUs = 7,427 Population size = 194,685,642
Subpop. no. obs = 273,166
Subpop. size = 62,671,956.6
Design df = 7,273
| Linearized
| Mean Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
age | 33.70677 .0251904 33.65739 33.75615
lfs | .7654193 .0011021 .7632589 .7675798
unemployed | .0420523 .000682 .0407153 .0433892
region | 4.06441 .0108864 4.04307 4.085751
reg1 | .1657978 .0026677 .1605684 .1710272
reg2 | .0814624 .0011528 .0792026 .0837221
reg3 | .1037393 .0018627 .1000878 .1073908
reg4 | .087979 .0017812 .0844873 .0914708
reg5 | .3117424 .0020266 .3077696 .3157151
reg6 | .2311122 .0018523 .2274812 .2347432
reg7 | .018167 .0015668 .0150955 .0212385
Note: Strata with single sampling unit centered at overall

Any suggestions to how to incorporate the svy settings to get svy like results using estpost ?
