Dear All,

I have data from household panel survey in a long form (several rows for one individual from different years) and I need to create unique ID for every respondent so I can set the data as panel data. Every respondent has variable household ID (hhid) and a personal within-household ID (pernum). Ideally, I would create variable personal ID as a combination of hhid and pernum. The problem is that respondent can have different pernum every year. The data also contain variable personal within-household ID in the last year (pernump). This is an example of how the dataset looks like:
Year hhid pernum pernump
2000 1 1 1
2000 1 2 3
2000 1 3 2
2001 1 1 2
Do you have an idea how can I connect individuals through these 3 variables?

Thank you for your help!
