Dear Stata users,

Is it possible to have the same color for 95 CI in all groups? I am using the following code:

twoway (scatter coef species if (species==1 & country==1), msymbol(S) msize(medium) mcolor(red) ) ///
(rcap ci_up ci_low species if (species==1 & country==1)) ///
(scatter coef species if (species>1 & species<4 & country==1), msymbol(S) msize(medium) mcolor(red) ) ///
(rcap ci_up ci_low species if (species>1 & species<4 & country==1)) (line coef species if (species>1 & species<4 & country==1), lwidth(thick) lcolor(navy) connect(direct)) ///
(scatter coef species if (species>3 & species<7 & country==1), msymbol(S) msize(medium) mcolor(red) ) ///
(rcap ci_up ci_low species if (species>3 & species<7 & country==1)) (line coef species if (species>3 & species<7 & country==1), lwidth(thick) lcolor(navy) connect(direct)), ///
xlabel( 1 "2 conif" 2 "1 broad" 3 "2 broad" 4 "2 mix" 5 "3 mix" 6 "3 mix" ) ///
ytitle(km) yline(0, lpattern(dash) lc(black)) legend(off)

I can restrict the color of lines and markers to be the same in all groups but the colors of 95 CIs change across groups. Is there a way to have them the same in all groups? I've attached the graph that I get.

Thank you