Hello I am using Stata/SE 13.1 on windows10. Apologies I am a Stata novice but will try my best here.

I have a data set which includes information on 1000's of research participants health problems/long-term conditions. I have a variable already (called mmcount) that counts how many conditions each individual has.

tab mmcount

    mmcount |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          0 |    182,767       36.98       36.98
          1 |    161,646       32.71       69.69
          2 |     89,106       18.03       87.72
          3 |     38,537        7.80       95.52
          4 |     14,310        2.90       98.42
          5 |      5,069        1.03       99.44
          6 |      1,813        0.37       99.81
          7 |        644        0.13       99.94
          8 |        197        0.04       99.98
          9 |         65        0.01       99.99
         10 |         17        0.00      100.00
         11 |          9        0.00      100.00
         12 |          1        0.00      100.00
         13 |          1        0.00      100.00
      Total |    494,182      100.00
I also have a variable that categorises individuals into 5 groups of having 0, 1, 2, 3, >=4 long term conditions. e.g.
tab MMcount_5levels

         MM count by 5 levels: |
             0,1,2,3,4 or more |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
        0 long-term conditions |    182,767       36.98       36.98
         1 long-term condition |    161,646       32.71       69.69
        2 long-term conditions |     89,106       18.03       87.72
        3 long-term conditions |     38,537        7.80       95.52
4 or more long-term conditions |     22,126        4.48      100.00
                         Total |    494,182      100.00
I want to create a new variable that categorises individuals into 5 groups of having 0, >=1, >=2, >=3, >=4 conditions. This would mean that some people would be counted more than once as the people with 4 or more conditions would also be included in the 2 or more category etc. But I don't know the code to create this variable.

What I have tried so far doesn't work as it has the same groups as the variable above:
 gen MMcount_5new=.
(494182 missing values generated)

. replace MMcount_5new = 1 if mmcount == 0
(182767 real changes made)

. replace MMcount_5new = 2 if mmcount >= 1 
(311415 real changes made)

. replace MMcount_5new = 3 if mmcount >= 2
(149769 real changes made)

. replace MMcount_5new = 4 if mmcount >= 3
(60663 real changes made)

. replace MMcount_5new = 5 if mmcount >= 4
(22126 real changes made)

. label define MMcount_5new 1 "0 long-term conditions"  2 ">=1 long-term condition" 3 ">=2 long-term conditions" 4 ">=3 long-term conditions" 5 ">=4
>  or more long-term conditions"

. label value MMcount_5new  MMcount_5new

. label variable MMcount_5new  "MM count by 5 levels: 0,1,2,3,4 or more"

. tab   MMcount_5new

 MM count by 5 levels: 0,1,2,3,4 |
                         or more |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          0 long-term conditions |    182,767       36.98       36.98
         >=1 long-term condition |    161,646       32.71       69.69
        >=2 long-term conditions |     89,106       18.03       87.72
        >=3 long-term conditions |     38,537        7.80       95.52
>=4 or more long-term conditions |     22,126        4.48      100.00
                           Total |    494,182      100.00
Thank you for any help!