Hi. I'm submitting this for one of our programmers and wondering if there's a simple fix or if we need to open a ticket with Stata. Thanks.
We’re having issues running a do file in Stata 16. It was written in Stata 15 and runs great there, but in Stata 16 it does not run. The issue is a test I’m performing. I’m comparing nutrient consumption between 2016 and 2017. Putting version 15 at the top allows it to run inside Stata 16; however, unless the coding for testing has changed in Stata 16, it should run without the versioning. Please advise.
Here’s the code in case it’s helpful, with error message.
set obs 1
gen str45 label=" "
save "temp1.dta",replace
capture program drop fg
program define fg
use "T:\GFRP-Chile\diet and anthropometry data\Change 2016-17\Output_Data\nutr_analysis.dta", clear
gen str45 label="`2'"
mean `1'_16 `1'_17, over(agecat)
matrix means=r(table)
gen m116=round((means[1,1]),.01)
gen m1_16=strofreal(m116)
gen m216=round((means[1,2]),.01)
gen m2_16=strofreal(m216)
gen m117=round((means[1,3]),.01)
gen m1_17=strofreal(m117)
gen m217=round((means[1,4]),.01)
gen m2_17=strofreal(m217)
gen s116=round((means[2,1]),.01)
gen s1_16=strofreal(s116)
gen s216=round((means[2,2]),.01)
gen s2_16=strofreal(s216)
gen s117=round((means[2,3]),.01)
gen s1_17=strofreal(s117)
gen s217=round((means[2,4]),.01)
gen s2_17=strofreal(s217)
test [`1'_16]1 = [`1'_17]1 //error message says equation [kcal_16] not found
replace m1_17 = m1_17+"*" if r(p)<0.05
test [`1'_16]2 = [`1'_17]2
replace m2_17 = m2_17+"*" if r(p)<0.05
keep in 1
keep label m1_16 s1_16 m1_17 s1_17 m2_16 s2_16 m2_17 s2_17
order label m1_16 s1_16 m1_17 s1_17 m2_16 s2_16 m2_17 s2_17
append using "temp1.dta"
save "temp1.dta",replace
fg kcal "Calories"
fg tsug "Total Sugar"
fg na "Sodium"
fg sfat "Saturated Fat"
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