I have a dataset like this (part of it):

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte point float(group joiners)
1 12 11
1 12  7
1 12  6
2 12  6
1 12  7
1 12  5
2 12  7
1 12  7
1 12  7
1 12  7
1 12  7
1 12  4
1 12  6
1 12  6
1 12  6
1 12  6
1 12  2
1 12  1
label values group rank
label values joiners rank
label def rank 12 "Old", modify
label def rank 1 "Newbie", modify
label def rank 2 "Jr.", modify
label def rank 4 "Full", modify
label def rank 5 "Sr.", modify
label def rank 6 "Hero", modify
label def rank 7 "Outstanding", modify
label def rank 11 "Expert", modify
Then, I used these codes to create the variable pjoiners, that is the percent of sum points of each type of joiners per total points of all joiners.
collapse (sum) point, by(group joiners)

by group, sort: egen tpoint_group = total(point)
by joiners group, sort: egen tpoint_joiners = total(point)
bysort joiners group: gen pjoiners = round(tpoint_joiners/tpoint_group*100,.1)
bysort group: list group joiners point tpoint_group tpoint_joiners pjoiners, abb(30)
Results I got are:
     | group       joiners   point   tpoint_group   tpoint_joiners   pjoiners |
  1. |   Old        Newbie       1             20                1          5 |
  2. |   Old           Jr.       1             20                1          5 |
  3. |   Old          Full       1             20                1          5 |
  4. |   Old           Sr.       1             20                1          5 |
  5. |   Old          Hero       7             20                7         35 |
  6. |   Old   Outstanding       8             20                8         40 |
  7. |   Old        Expert       1             20                1          5 |
I don't know how to make a hbar that shows percent with the values of the pjoiners

I tried to use the code
gr hbar (percent) point, over(joiners) plotregion(style(none)) ///
    graphregion(color(white)) bar(1, bfcolor(green*0.2)) blabel(total, format(%2.1f))
Unfortunately, the values shown on the graph are incorrect. I meant the values on the graph for joiners with 1 point is 5.6 (but it should be 5.0)

Thank you for you help.