i have another question regarding my code.
set matsize 511 unab y : TOYOTAMOTORTOTRETURNIND-COMMUTUREDEADDELIST280910 local wc : word count `y' matrix p = J(`wc',3,.) matrix rownames p = `y' matrix colnames p = "adjR2" "coef" "p" matlist p tempfile coefficients capture postutil clear postfile handle coeff using `coefficients' local i = 1 foreach var of local y { { capture noisily reg `var' RenditenTopix PercentageChangeTWEXR if `var'>-9999, robust if c(rc) ==0 { matrix p[`i',1] = (1-(1-e(r2))*(e(df_r)+e(df_m))/(e(df_r))), _b[PercentageChangeTWEXR], 2*ttail(e(df_r), abs(_b[PercentageChangeTWEXR]/_se[PercentageChangeTWEXR])) post handle (_b[PercentageChangeTWEXR]) } local ++i } } postclose handle matlist p preserve use `coefficients', clear tabstat coeff, statistics (sum mean) restore
So my problem is that i want Stata to count the number of coefficients which are <0 and the p-values which are <0.05 (significant at 5% level).
Is that possible?
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