Good morning everyone,

I thank you for kindly enlightening me please
I'm trying to study the influence of a variable X on a variable Y (outcome). Both X and Y are binary ( Y/N). So i will probably use a logit
However, during the survey, the answers to the question (which I will call Q2) that represents my outcome are conditioned by the answers to a previous question that I call Q1.
If the answer to Q1 is "no" then Q2 is asked. If the answer is "yes" Q2 is not asked.

The two questions are:
Q1: Do you have a computer in your home?
Q2: Do you have a tablet in your home?

my question is:
should I consider this as a selection bias or rather consider the Missing Data at Random (MAR) assumption on my outcome and apply the imputation method. knowing that I saw in a previous topic that it was not desirable to do so.

or another option to advise me?
do you have any simple references to advise ?

I have a lot of missing observations on my outcome (1500 /7000)

Excuse me for the length.
thank you for your help.