Hi, I am trying to create a variable called "fempstat" which measures an individual's employment status in the next month. I have the following lines of code:
xtset cpsidp date
gen fempstat=f1.empstat
label var fempstat "Next month employment status"

However, I am getting the error "repeated time values within panel". I have tried to switch the variable "date" out with "month" but I am still getting the same error.

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input int year byte month double cpsid byte(statefip empstat) float date
2021 1 20191000055400 1 10 732
2021 1 20201100108800 1 10 732
2021 1 20191000000800 1 36 732
2021 1 20201100070800 1 36 732
2021 1 20201000048900 1 21 732
2021 1 20201100075800 1 34 732
2021 1 20191000006900 1  0 732
2021 1 20201200015600 1 36 732
2021 1 20201200115200 1 10 732
2021 1 20210100040500 1 10 732
2021 1 20191000107600 1 32 732
2021 1 20201100138400 1 10 732
2021 1 20191000064600 1 10 732
2021 1 20201100070800 1 36 732
2021 1 20191200098300 1 32 732
2021 1 20201200057900 1 10 732
2021 1 20191200132900 1 34 732
2021 1 20201000063600 1 10 732
2021 1 20201200039300 1 10 732
2021 1 20201100033300 1 34 732
2021 1 20191200076200 1 36 732
2021 1 20191000062900 1 10 732
2021 1 20201100060300 1 10 732
2021 1 20201000122200 1 36 732
2021 1 20201000023600 1 10 732
2021 1 20210100072600 1 36 732
2021 1 20191100037400 1  0 732
2021 1 20191200085700 1 36 732
2021 1 20200100122500 1 36 732
2021 1 20201200122800 1 10 732
2021 1 20191100108900 1  0 732
2021 1 20201100005300 1 10 732
2021 1 20201200068000 1 36 732
2021 1 20191200030500 1 10 732
2021 1 20191100144700 1 21 732
2021 1 20191000127000 1 10 732
2021 1 20201000057500 1 10 732
2021 1 20200100102700 1  0 732
2021 1 20201100025400 1 10 732
2021 1 20201100056500 1 10 732
2021 1 20200100070100 1 10 732
2021 1 20191200117500 1 12 732
2021 1 20191100126000 1 34 732
2021 1 20201000010700 1 10 732
2021 1 20191200094600 1 36 732
2021 1 20201000000200 1 10 732
2021 1 20201100000100 1 36 732
2021 1 20201100064000 1 10 732
2021 1 20191000126700 1 36 732
2021 1 20201200008400 1 10 732
2021 1 20210100014400 1 10 732
2021 1 20201100069100 1 10 732
2021 1 20201200123000 1 10 732
2021 1 20191000133700 1 10 732
2021 1 20201100108500 1 36 732
2021 1 20201200135300 1 10 732
2021 1 20191200075100 1 10 732
2021 1 20210100009800 1 34 732
2021 1 20210100115200 1 12 732
2021 1 20191100082900 1 10 732
2021 1 20201000137500 1 10 732
2021 1 20191000083500 1 10 732
2021 1 20191100028100 1 10 732
2021 1 20210100044200 1 10 732
2021 1 20201200124900 1 36 732
2021 1 20201100033000 1 10 732
2021 1 20191100004600 1 10 732
2021 1 20201100079500 1  0 732
2021 1 20201000133500 1 10 732
2021 1 20201200039400 1 10 732
2021 1 20210100023300 1 36 732
2021 1 20210100011700 1 36 732
2021 1 20201200057300 1 36 732
2021 1 20201100109500 1  0 732
2021 1 20200300000800 1  0 732
2021 1 20201100139800 1 34 732
2021 1 20191100060300 1  0 732
2021 1 20200100147800 1 32 732
2021 1 20191100123800 1  0 732
2021 1 20201100082100 1 10 732
2021 1 20201000033800 1  0 732
2021 1 20191200075100 1 34 732
2021 1 20201200006800 1 36 732
2021 1 20201200016600 1 32 732
2021 1 20201100112900 1 10 732
2021 1 20210100119400 1 10 732
2021 1 20201000085300 1 34 732
2021 1 20210100111900 1  0 732
2021 1 20201000077700 1  0 732
2021 1 20200100145800 1 36 732
2021 1 20200100057300 1 36 732
2021 1 20201200087500 1 10 732
2021 1 20201000099500 1 32 732
2021 1 20200100108700 1 10 732
2021 1 20201200140700 1 36 732
2021 1 20191000064600 1 21 732
2021 1 20191200044200 1 10 732
2021 1 20201200057300 1 36 732
2021 1 20210100042900 1 12 732
2021 1 20191200106300 1 36 732
format %tm date
label values month month_lbl
label def month_lbl 1 "January", modify
label values statefip statefip_lbl
label def statefip_lbl 1 "Alabama", modify
label values empstat empstat_lbl
label def empstat_lbl 0 "NIU", modify
label def empstat_lbl 10 "At work", modify
label def empstat_lbl 12 "Has job, not at work last week", modify
label def empstat_lbl 21 "Unemployed, experienced worker", modify
label def empstat_lbl 32 "NILF, unable to work", modify
label def empstat_lbl 34 "NILF, other", modify
label def empstat_lbl 36 "NILF, retired", modify