Hi everyone,
I use the rdrobust/rdplot package in stata to estimate a simple RD model with time as the running variable. But I found the results between rdrobust and rdplot are not consistent to each other.
For example, a is my Y variable, runningvar is my time running variable.

rdrobust a runningvar, p(1) masspoints(check)
Above command shows the estimate coeefficient is -394.72***

rdplot a runningvar, p(1) kernel(triangular) masspoints(check) nbins(200)
figure generated by above command is as follows

the magnitude and sign of the coefficient around the cutoff is totally not consistent to the rdrobust result -394.72***.

I tried to adjust kernel and nbins(##), but the results are not better. Could anyone give me some hints why such inconsistency exists between the rdrobust and rdplot commands?

I have put the sample data and my stata dofile in the following link, feel free to use the data to help me fix this issue:

Thank you so much!!!