Hi Statalist fellow,
I have run an analysis but I don't trust my result. I would be extremely appreciated if you could help in this matter by checking my method.
I run an xtpoisson model with interaction term and I need to plot the interactions.
xtpoisson count a##b, fe vce(robust) irr
margins a#b
marginsplot, ytitle('IRR of count)
The issue is that there is no consistency between the xtpoisson IRR coefficients and the result of margins.
xtpoisson report:
IRR =1.38 (p=0.001) for a
IRR = 1.80 (p=0.001) for b
IRR =0.85 (p=0.001) for a#b
margins report:
Linear prediction, predict()
0 0 0.49
0 1 1.092
1 0 0.65
1 1 1.093
Can you please help to understand what's my mistake and how should I approach this issue?
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