
I am imputing data using hotdeck command. Just so you may know exactly how I am doing this, here is my full command:

hotdeck ingreso using "$temp\hot_`x'ingreso", store by(age sex state educ) keep(*) seed(23546) impute(10)

However, when I execute the command, I get the following warning:

WARNING: 21 strata with NO complete records
Note: 174 strata with only 1 complete record
Note: 620 strata with 2-5 complete records

Just so you are informed as well, there are no missing values in age sex state or educ.
It is interesting to mention that whenever I remove educ or sex this warning disappears. I need to carry out the imputation considering these four grouping variables, but I just get that warning.

Does anyone have an idea as to what would be a possible reason for this Warning?

Thank you