Multilevel/hierarchical model with clustered-robust standard errors. I have reviewed various posts on this topic, including this post pointing at a cross-nested hierarchical specification, this discussion on hierarchical probit models mentioning that the panel variable must be nested within the cluster variable, and this post showing how mixing hierarchical models and clustered-robust standard errors is usually a bad idea. However, I believe I am in a situation where a multilevel model with clustered-robust standard errors may be justified.

The features of my data structure are the following:
- Individual-level data, in particular, a repeated cross-section dataset (i.e. not a panel) across many countries (variable COUNTRY)
- Dichotomous dependent variable (DV)
- Multiple scores for each individual for one independent variable (IV1 below), to various possible choices (P, ranging from 4 to 15, depending on country and year)
- ther variables defined at the individual level (e.g. see IV2)

The following table provides an idea of the data structure at hand:
1 1 0 2 1 1
1 1 0 3 1 2
1 1 1 10 1 3
2 1 0 2 3 1
2 1 1 7 3 2

In normal circumstances, I would estimate a three-level hierarchical logit model with IDxP-level observations nested in ID, nested in a COUTRYxYEAR indicator.
However, I only have a few observations within individuals (always less than 16) and this would not satisfy the asymptotic assumptions needed to estimate random effects in a frequentist setting.

Thus, I would like to estimate a hierarchical logit model with observations nested at the COUNTRY-YEAR level (adding a random intercept to account for this), but then I also want to account for the fact that observations are repeated within individuals introducing clustered-robust standard errors at the ID level. This way, I want to avoid unrealistic standard errors for the IV1 coefficient.

My code:
melogit DV IV1 IV2 || COUNTRY:, vce(cluster ID)
gets the following error:
highest-level groups are not nested within ID
1) Is there some flaw in the model that I cannot see?
2) How can I estimate such a model in STATA?

Thank you all.