
I had been trying to install listcoef. After findit step, when am trying to install, I am getting the same error (attached). I checked with IT department and they confirmed that firewall is not on. In fact I took the recent updates of STATA using the internet.

I am trying to install it from:

[spost13_ado from http://www.indiana.edu/~jslsoc/stata
Distribution-date: 05Apr2019 / spost13_ado | SPost13 commands from Long
and Freese (2014) / Regression Models for Categorical Outcomes using
Stata, 3rd Edition. / Support www.indiana.edu/~jslsoc/spost.htm / Scott
Long (jslong@indiana.edu) & Jeremy Freese (jfreese@northwestern.edu)]

Any help on this will be much appreciated. Thanks,
