This was a long title, but it summarizes well my issue.
I ran a mlogit regression with 3 outcomes, following by the calculation of the marginal effects, such as:
mlogit Y X_ln $controls, robust
est sto A
forval i = 1/3 {
est res A
margins, dydx(X_ln) pr(out(`i')) post vce(unconditional)
est sto A`i'
This gives me the marginal effects of my variable of interest for the 3 possible outcomes. However, I am not sure how to interpret the impact of a variable X in log, on a dummy variable Y. Usually, it should be interpreted as "If we increase X by one percent, we expect Y to increase by (β/100) units of Y." But in this case I am not sure it really makes sense.
Thanks in advance for your help

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