
I am trying to create cluster by using command --cluster wardslinkage activity_1 activity_2 activity_3 activity_4, gen(act)-
Where activity is a categorical variable, so the individuals response the type of activity done in a particular time duration. However, one can skip to reply if no activity has been done, that gives a missing value.
While running the command, if the individuals have not done any activity shows a missing value. I want to put all of them together to get the final cluster with Wards method (hierarchial clustering method).

Here I am showing the values generated after I run the command:
ID activity_1 activity_2 activity_3 activity_4 act_id act_ord act_hgt
4038 Resting Leisure Work Leisure 4 118 5.8333333
3242 HHact Work Work HHact 5 10 0
5980 Work Resting Work Out/travel 6 65 0
4454 Work Resting Work . . . .
1545 Resting Selfcare Work Leisure 7 161 0
4322 Work Leisure Work Leisure 8 168 0
5186 HHact HHact Work Resting 9 223 16.12381
Please let me know what I have to do to address this issue.

Srei Chanda