I am trying to run this command on Stata 15:
ppml trade EXPORTER_TIME_FE* IMPORTER_TIME_FE* ln_DIST CNTG LANG CLNY if exporter != importer, cluster(pair_id)
estimates store ppml
But I have this error:
note: starting ppml estimation
note: trade has noninteger values
Iteration 1: deviance = 1.48e+07
Iteration 2: deviance = 6988942
Iteration 3: deviance = 4885299
Iteration 4: deviance = 4372770
Iteration 5: deviance = 4277995
Iteration 6: deviance = 4266197
Iteration 7: deviance = 4265273
Iteration 8: deviance = 4265229
Iteration 9: deviance = 4265229
Iteration 10: deviance = 4265229
Iteration 11: deviance = 4265229
_robust_work(): 3102 function found where matrix required
rob__compute(): - function returned error
_robust(): - function returned error
_robust2(): - function returned error
<istmt>: - function returned error
Any suggestions?
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