I am trying to collapse three (ultimately more) variables on zip codes, state names, and Congressional districts from a survey data set. (I tried to upload the data set but was told that it was not a viable image??). Here are the variables and the first 5 lines of data:

. des lookupzip inputstate cdid115

storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
lookupzip str5 %-9s Zip code used for CD mapping
inputstate double %10.0g inputstate
State of Residence
cdid115 str2 %-9s CD 115th Congress


. clist lookupzip inputstate cdid115 in 1/5

lookupzip inputstate cdid115
1. 77087 Texas 29
2. 45039 Ohio 1
3. 40222 Kentucky 3
4. 85018 Arizona 9
5. 16335 Pennsylvan 3

I converted lookupzip and cdid115 to numeric--and that worked fine, but when I collapsed the variables the state codes were all numeric and I got the message that inputstate had no value labels.
There must be a way to get this done, but I don't know it. If you want the data set, email me (euslaner@umd.edu) and I will send it to you. Many thanks,
