Please, I'm having trouble using the STATA upload program for my KID 2016 dataset. I have a STATA15 IC software. I bought a large dataset from HCUP-AHRQ ( Now I have received the large dataset which I unzipped. The unzipped file is in .ASC format. I was then instructed to use a Load Program specific for this dataset. The load file can be found at This is a code needed to be able to open the larga dataset in .ASC format. I was instructed to do the following:
1.- Open your desktop STATA application, and open a programming window (the do-file editor).
2.- Open the program (it opens into a text window), copy the contents, and paste them into your programming window.
3.- Then you’ll need to make a few minor changes to the program. The changes have to do with telling STATA where to find and save your data. Here are two excerpts from the 2012 KIDS Core program:
a. These lines are found at the end of the infix statement:

int YEAR 499-502 ///

byte ZIPINC_QRTL 503-504 ///

using "KID_2012_Core.ASC"

You will need to put the full path to the kid_2012_core.asc file between the quotation marks. Say you have the file saved in


Here’s the using phrase, again with the necessary change in red:

using "C:\KID2012\Core\Data\KID_2012_Core.ASC"

b. The last line of the stata program is:

save "KID_2012_Core.dta", replace

Again, you need to put the path in the statement. You can save your stata dataset in the same directory or a different one. Here’s the change assuming you want to put the .dta file in the same place:

save " C:\KID2012\Core\Data\KID_2012_Core.dta", replace
4. Save your program, then run it. Even after all these changes I cannot open my large dataset. I've noticed that the larga dataset unzipped in .ASC format, but the Load Program is meant for ASCII format. Does this make a difference? If so, how do I solve it?

Did anyone had the same problem?

I would truly appreciate any suggestion given


Alberto Plate Peirano