I am trying to run a Fama-MacBeth (1973) two step regression with the Fama-French (1993) factors and one added variable which reflects the level of conflict in a country. Instead of using stocks, I utilize country indices, with a sample of 30 countries overall. The Fama French Factors are constant across each panel unit (id) since I use the Global Factors.
For some context, a sample of my data looks like this:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input id eret mktrf smb hml crindex 1 0 -.054 .057 -.019 1.114363 1 -.008 .023 .108 -.101 1.275477 1 -.031 .047 -.101 .068 1.113256 1 .022 -.058 -.052 .051 1.247811 1 .052 -.033 -.012 .057 1.238863 2 0 -.054 .057 -.019 1.263836 2 .011125162 .023 .108 -.101 1.20842 2 -.002865699 .047 -.101 .068 1.044907 2 .03214509 -.058 -.052 .051 1.170571 2 .02329442 -.033 -.012 .057 1.311508 end
xtset id monthly bys id: asreg eret njtrf snb hml crindex
drop _R2 adjR2_ asreg eret _b_hml _b_mktrf _b_smb _b_crindex, fmb newey(3)
bys id: asreg eret mktrf smb hml crindex , window(monthly 60
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