I am having troubles creating a forvalues loop that works exactly as required. I have a dataset (over 60,000 observations) with viral load measurements (vl) measured up to 54times for some patients …vl54 and the corresponding date of measurement (dvl).
I want to create a loop that diagnoses “failure” and registers it as 1, (failure= two successive vl values >1000) and then generate “failure_date”=the date of the second of the 2 successively high vl.
NB. A patient might more than 1 failure which I hope to generate “failure1, failure_date1, failure2, failure_date2… etc.
There are a lot of missing values of vl and dvl at the end some patients’ vl(max)
What I have done
generate vlfails=0 forvalues a =1 / 53 { local b=`a'+1 replace vlfails=1 if vl`a'>1000 & vl`b'>1000 & vl`a'!=. & vl`b'!=. } generate vlfails_d=. forvalues a =1 / 53 { local b=`a'+1 replace vlfails=1 if vl`a'>1000 & vl`b'>1000 & vl`a'!=. & vl`b'!=. replace vlfails_d = dvl`b' if vlfails==1 & vlfails_d==. }
1.The loops simply generate “failure_date” which is equal to the second ever dvl value for any patient who has ever had a failure and does not consider the actual date when the failure occurred.
2. Only one failure or failure_date is identifiable from the output.
Please, how can I correct the code.
PS. I am a beginner in Stata. Sample data below.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input double vl1 float dvl1 double vl2 float dvl2 double vl3 float dvl3 double vl4 float dvl4 double vl5 float dvl5 double vl6 float dvl6 24 18753 194881 19030 27060 20104 54449 20319 32577 20433 19 20599 51 19855 24 20228 24 20360 24 20425 24 20726 24 20865 27480 20419 10384 20545 58619 20716 . . . . . . 24 18295 24 18325 32888 18661 59 18759 . . . . 47 19395 24 19802 24 20164 24 20635 894 21203 98902 21319 24 18574 10764 20654 32 20765 24 21208 . . . . 24 20034 24 20580 99 21077 24 21411 . . . . 24 19527 258409 20384 83666 20521 99 20640 3049 20783 19 20852 24 18206 290000 18378 83567 18862 132380 19047 148628 19054 . . 24 17266 24 17512 21000 18374 51000 18428 730 18490 178 18590 30019 20832 210126 20930 323160 21078 24 21473 . . . . 24 17472 50000 18294 150000 18408 150000 18466 301374 18570 1678220 18736 24 18431 24 18644 24 19004 24 19158 24 19802 24 20138 24 17308 83 17476 330 17953 62 18023 300 18177 900 18282 300 17988 24 18170 24 18359 24 18723 24 19087 24 19505 236 18662 749320 18837 548 19015 28840 19150 42860 19276 52785 20046 24 18924 24 19165 24 19515 24 19879 24 20269 24 20531 24 18696 24 19081 51 19456 488 19687 63 19743 663 19932 2348 18696 . . . . . . . . . . 24 19304 24 19340 24 19612 4418 20325 5304 20410 24 20557 24 17350 24 17490 24 18085 24 18225 24 18393 24 18672 24 18051 24 18221 23000 18392 14603 18533 63221 18715 24 18911 94 17420 24 17980 24 18395 24 18737 125312 19099 6808 19375 24 18682 24 19046 49070 20663 111 20747 24 21011 24 21210 24 19633 . . . . . . . . . . 24 18129 5900 18451 148 18743 372913 19232 374777 19261 422582 19780 end format %d dvl1 format %d dvl2 format %d dvl3 format %d dvl4 format %d dvl5 format %d dvl6
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