
I am trying to use data stored in the NetCDF format (.nc file extension) for a project I am working on. Is it possible to load .nc files into Stata? If so, where do I start? If not, what is the best way to convert .nc files into a format Stata can read?

For context, the data I'm looking to use (accessible here: https://datadryad.org/resource/doi:1.../dryad.dk1j0/8) divides the earth into a grid and provides annual GDP per capita estimates for each grid cell over a 26-year period. Ideally, I would like to convert the NetCDF data into a table in Stata with four columns: latitude, longitude, year, and GDP per capita.

I apologize if my question is a little vague. I've never used NetCDF data before and haven't been able to find many helpful resources online about how to work with it in Stata. I imagine others will find a discussion of NetCDF best practices useful as it is a relatively common format for geographically-oriented data.

Thanks in advance.